Arrogant vs Conceited – 5 Important Differences

Do you ever wonder what the difference is between someone who is arrogant and someone who is conceited? 

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences that can help you distinguish between the two. Understanding these differences can help you navigate social situations and better understand the people around you.

Arrogance and conceit stem from a sense of superiority, but they manifest differently. Arrogance is characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance and a disregard for others, while conceit is characterized by an excessive sense of self-love and admiration. 

Both traits can be off-putting and make it difficult to connect with others.

In this article, I will discuss more each one of them, talk about the differences between those two but also a few similarities.

When we are young, arrogant people seem to be more confident and get what they want, but that is not quite true. However, it seems that way for most people that don’t pay close attention. You can read this article on whether being arrogant is attractive or not for more about that.

conceited person

What Does Being Conceited Mean?

When someone is conceited, it means they have an extremely favorable opinion of themselves, their abilities, appearance, worth, etc. 

They may believe they are better than others and have a sense of entitlement. This excessive pride in oneself can lead to arrogance and a lack of empathy for others.

Conceited people often seek validation and attention from others to reinforce their positive self-image. 

They may engage in self-promotion and exaggerate their accomplishments or talents to impress others. They may also be preoccupied with their appearance and constantly seek to enhance it through grooming, fashion, or cosmetic procedures.

Conceited behavior can be harmful to relationships and social interactions. It can create a sense of distance between the conceited person and others, as they may come across as self-absorbed or dismissive of others’ opinions and feelings. 

It can also lead to resentment and envy from others who feel belittled or ignored by the conceited person’s behavior.

Read Also: Arrogance vs Narcissism

What Does Being Arrogant Mean?

When someone is described as arrogant, it means that they have an exaggerated sense of their own importance or abilities. They believe that they are superior to others and act accordingly. 

arrogant person

Arrogant people are often seen as unpleasant and difficult to work with because they are unwilling to listen to others or take feedback.

Arrogance can manifest in different ways. For example, someone may be arrogant about their intelligence, believing that they are smarter than everyone else and dismissing other people’s ideas. 

Alternatively, someone may be arrogant about their status or position, believing that they are entitled to special treatment or privileges.

Arrogance is often rooted in insecurity. People who are insecure about themselves or their abilities may try to compensate by acting arrogantly. However, this behavior can actually exacerbate their insecurities because it can lead to negative reactions from others.

Read Also: Arrogance vs Ignorance

5 Differences Between Being Arrogant and Being Conceited

While the terms “arrogant” and “conceited” are often used interchangeably, the two have distinct differences. Here are five differences that can help you distinguish between the two:

  1. Attitude towards others: Arrogant individuals tend to have a contemptuous attitude towards others, while conceited individuals may have a favorable opinion of themselves but not necessarily a negative attitude towards others.
  2. Focus on self: Arrogant individuals tend to focus on their own achievements and status, while conceited individuals may focus more on their appearance and abilities.
  3. Level of pride: Arrogant individuals tend to have an excessive level of pride, often to the point of looking down on others. On the other hand, conceited individuals may have a high level of pride in their own abilities, but not necessarily to the point of looking down on others.
  4. Behavior towards others: Arrogant individuals may behave in a way that is disrespectful or dismissive towards others, while conceited individuals may simply talk about themselves a lot or seek attention.
  5. Willingness to learn: Arrogant individuals may be resistant to learning from others or admitting when they are wrong, while conceited individuals may be more open to learning and feedback.

While there are differences between the two, it’s important to note that both arrogant and conceited behavior can be harmful to relationships and personal growth.

 It’s important to strive for a healthy level of self-confidence while also being respectful and open to learning from others.

Remember, having a positive self-image is possible without putting others down or being dismissive of their opinions. You can cultivate positive relationships and personal growth by striving for a healthy balance of confidence and humility.

Read Also: Ego vs Self Esteem

A Few Similarities Between Arrogance and Conceit

Arrogance and conceit are negative traits that are often used interchangeably because they have some similarities worth noting. 

In this section, we will explore a few of these similarities.

-Firstly, both arrogance and conceit are characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance. Individuals who exhibit these traits often have an inflated opinion of themselves and their abilities. They believe that they are better than others and deserve special treatment or recognition.

self importance

-Secondly, both arrogance and conceit can lead to a lack of empathy and consideration for others. When someone is overly focused on themselves, they may disregard the feelings or needs of those around them. This can lead to strained relationships and a lack of social support.

-Thirdly, both arrogance and conceit can be seen as a defense mechanism. Individuals who exhibit these traits may feel insecure or inadequate deep down. By projecting an image of superiority, they may be trying to compensate for these feelings of inadequacy.

Finally, both arrogance and conceit can be harmful to oneself and others. When someone is too focused on themselves, they may miss out on important opportunities for growth and collaboration. Additionally, their behavior may cause others to feel disrespected or undervalued.

In conclusion, while arrogance and conceit are not the same thing, they do share some similarities. Both traits are characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a potential defense mechanism. 

It is important to be aware of these similarities and the potential harm that can result from exhibiting these negative traits.


After exploring the differences between arrogant and conceited, you can now identify the characteristics of each and understand how they differ. Arrogance is characterized by excessive pride and a tendency to look down on others. Conceit, on the other hand, is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and an obsession with one’s own abilities and accomplishments.

It’s important to recognize the differences between the two, as they can have a significant impact on personal and professional relationships. Arrogance can lead to alienation and resentment, while conceit can lead to a lack of self-awareness and an inability to learn from mistakes. By striving for humility and self-awareness, you can avoid falling into either trap and cultivate healthy relationships with those around you.